Tuesday, 24 December 2013

Kemaman Banjir 2013 (II series)

I am back again and again,
telling you the unfortunate banjir...

Merayau-rayau cari dan mencari ( kind a horor story ! )
Merayau nak cari hotel untuk tido dan berkehidupan,
saya dah sejuk teramat dengan air hujan meresap baju ke sum-sum tulang ( seems a smart doctor tulang, doe! )

Semua hotel kat bandar yg kami cari penuh,
So, no option left - actually first plan nak pi tido umah pak sedara tapi dia keje outstation and kunci kat dia.
Pok Awie, my pok sedara yg membujang dan his mom just left this world ( Innalillahi wainnailaihi rajiun )
He let us in but forget the fact that only he had the house key,
Our families also nearby but their own children and family come over to their house (overnight), seems like we would make the house more pack.

So, back to the last hotel where we reached....
We made a plan to park our properties at Pok Awie`s house and go to the Pusat Mangsa Banjir,
which is a kid school ( aged 7-12).
We made our way, parked, take clothes from van to our car and went to the school.

The dark night chilled, and the rains keep poured the tears,
jap, apakehal duk writing English ne !...k, sowi
otw ke sekolah rendah, kat jambatan geliga pun air berombak giler ( siyes )
Dah sampai, dan ramai orang sesangat.
Apa-apa pun life must go on, ayah pi daftar dan kami cari kelas kosong untuk tido.
Kelas yg kat tanah, bukan bangunan bertingket-tingket ( 3 tingkat je pun )

Dah settle daftar dan kelas, angkut barang, tukar baju dan immediately tido,
penat woooo bawak moto dlm hujan, angkat brg lg.
Almost a week kat sana,
most of my memories still fresh about that ********

I will tell you later on the situation at Pusat Mangsa Banjir,
a true story, really...
ok, a teaser- the story of ****
hahaha, just wait and read then :)

a mess

Level air selot, quite high

Barang sudah dikeluarkan, just clean it ( not easy as you think )
Adam Bond helps in cleaning up

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