Citer lagi pasai Banjir di kampung saya, Taman Fikri- Kemaman, Ganu.
Kali ini, lagi hangat,
di tempat Pusat Mangsa Banjir ( actually I don`t know the real name for that pusat )
So, first day la ( malam angkut brg banjir sampai 2 pagi )...
That day, memang dah ramai orang yang berpusu kat Dewan untuk makan pagi,
maklumla semalam tu duk angkat barang, selamatkan kereta dan bagai - so mesti lapo.
Then, sarapan pagi disediakan dengan muka masam, and keep going on for few days.
I don`t mind eating sardin for 4 days and gulai ayam (packed) yg dimasak,
I don`t really care about it, just to fill perut lapo but the thing is that the treatment.
In 2012, askar yg bawak semua barang masakan dan everything is under good supervision.
The management during that time is absolutely fine,
but in 2013, I don`t know if everyone electing this Mak cik to become
It good that she`s voluntarily (perhaps!) to manage but the this is how she does the whole operation done.
You yelled with us, and keep a SMILY face when orang besar datang kacau gulai 4kali dan balik.
I gonna said it again, thank you because in-charge and taking care of the kitchen area but nobody asked you then, and you are a woman; which means not really qualified to do it.
I am not saying that you are not good, but you really are not good.
Man should be in-charge, there`s a lot of kampung there...
Sure enough, there are several Ketua Kampung ( men ) that can be Leader there.
And one more thing, should you have a plan/ strategic management before Banjir happened ?
Basically, banjir happened almost every year ( nov/dec) in several kampung and the weather forecast also tell the probably weather could be...
So, you should make a strategic plan in overcome this Banjir !
For your information, over 3 000++ mangsa banjir here living almost like a hell,
( kincing voleh, verak tak voleh ! )
Too many people, which is I don`t really care about the number but the fact is that the Dok Cakna (mungkin) attitude towards mangsa banjir.
Shits everywhere, and the most hurting me is that the service,
( it is my fault, as I shouldn't expecting people to be treat good but we just want to be treat nice )
my faults ????
At pendaftaran, they women in-charge there seems to be nice ;)
I precisely remember when the launch time, a R*L* officer there yelled ( really hard )
" beratur wehhh ! " but nobody actually there standing, and its hurt mak cik-pak cik sat there at Dewan ( open Dewan )
It is rude, and you actually doing nothing there,
not guarding or even asked people to beratur...
In several days after that, they realized to give order to people and managing well.
( it takes a while to manage ?, well I guest a plan need to be construct to keep management and operation smooth.
I am just curious to see that if anyone have thought like I do,
you should learn that every year Banjir happened, treating us like a ***, and when orang besar came- u wear you org. clothes, lipstick, make-up`s and even smile...
I wish I could show you, but then no need to do it,
just tepi kain- don`t be inside someone`s kain,
I really want to give my thanks because being our bibik- masak and serve for us almost 9days ( banjir ended 7days but they eventually cooked for more than that )
Wait, that`s means there are a lot of food supply,
but now where does it go ????
( jangan biarkan diri anda di selubungi misteri )
Real situation, no water and collecting rain drops |
So many bantuan, so many people..ended with lempar sampai ke kipas.. |
Non-gov org. come to us instead at the Dewan |
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