Saturday, 27 September 2014

A Twisted Fate #2

Assalamualaikum kalian...

Dengan gopoh gapahnya nak cakap yg kte ne nak sambung twisted fate #2,
nak sesangat sambung,
tapi bila difikirkan balik,
ada benda yang tak boleh cakap lagi sekarang...

I got a chance to change my life but it is twisted by fate.
no.. it is not twisted by twirled.
haaaaa,. acano pulak ??

I got a big opportunity by MARA to go to overseas,
merentas laut mencari ilmu dunia,
which is been my dream from the past 3 years,
I have to urus dengan Naza Education pasal pasport and so on and on..
I am about to do so,
so da*n excited and excited and excited and excited and (enough with it)

I talked to my parents about it,
well here comes the fate,
" dak yoh gi la, jauh nung...susoh nok gi tengok"
well masa belaja kat melaka, they never come pon,
cuma masa daftar sem 1 dan ambil masa sem 5,
and my mom + my sis came mase demam panas giler ke Hospital Besar Melaka...

This twirled fate is decided,
I am not going there to West England university,
and also canceled Sunway University for American transfer degree...
#heart skip a beat !
Follow what my parents said and VOILA !
a twisted future by a twirled fate...
(I believe people whom stays behind me not people whom in front me yg kte x kenal hati budi)

Just let it go these great deals for a future,
what I mean a future is that a future,
say WHAT ???
I can`t exactly tell all of you,
wanna keep it a surprise,
until a day I could show you a hidden card in me...

I wish I could tell u where I am,
what am I studying at,
and all that kind of stuff,
I just couldn`t do so,
nanti I gtaw ea...
bila semua dah jadi ok,
I mean nampak berhasil la kan ;)
Insya Allah akan sampai masa itu,
time to shine and sleep now,
tomorrow nak belaja pasal hygiene...

What !!!
why hygiene ?
hehehe. see u again.

Friday, 5 September 2014

A Twisted Fate #1

well, Assalamualaikum..
perghhh, bersawang laggi !!!
pemalas level 120 candy crush...

Last entry until now almost 10 months,
my life, my way and my deen kekadang jatuh, bangun, jatuh and merangkak,
here is the wrap up :)
early 2014, I being doing my praktikal kat kedai gambar,
yup layan customers, amek gamba, print, potong gamba, and amek gamba sendiri (haha)
for almost 3 months from january to march,
itu aje keje...
wake up, subuh prayer, wake up adik and send him to Tadika Yayasan,
go back home, dress properly then went to kedai gamba...

finish up my LAST MINUTE report at Melaka,
the presentation day from morning until afternoon - satu titik air pon tak teguk,
so akibatnya, suara jadi serak mcm org nak nangis bila present,
sentap muka lecture degaq sore kte...

Balik umah semula and tanam anggur,
basically tak tumbuh sebab air tak siram, pokok tak baja and tanah tak subur...
hihihi, review in and out my life,
tak buat pape, menyusahkan  org lain and accidently mengemukkan diri.

Now early September,
my life changed,
my fate twisted,
my future noted,
I wake up in a pain,
I slept in a sigh,
when will I sooth this feeling ;(
why am I telling u all this ?
and most importantly,
what am I like this?

I shall tell u a twisted fate #2 next week,
bila my b-day 13/9/199*
Insya Allah,
moga bertemu lagi.